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01 Aug 2024

August seasonal focus

Goats- using regional worm control programs for healthy goats and sustainable properties Goat producers have a lot of tools to manage worm burden in their herds. However, the treatment tools […]

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July seasonal focus

Clean pastures. Keeping sheep, goats and cattle healthy relies on minimising the amount of worm larvae they pick up from the grass. At this time of year, it is a […]

May seasonal focus

Rain across eastern states prolongs the worm season.

April seasonal focus

Livestock producers across the liver fluke regions in eastern Australia use April as a chance to get on top of liver flukes in their flocks and herds.

ParaBoss: Leading the Charge in Parasite Management for Livestock Producers

In a landscape where effective parasite management is crucial, ParaBoss has emerged as a pivotal ally for producers seeking sustainable solutions. Over the past three years, ParaBoss has actively engaged […]

Vector-Borne Diseases: JEV and LSD 

Among the problems that flying insects can bring to your stock are some extremely unwanted passengers: Emergency Animal Disease (EADs). 

May Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

Meet Our Three ParaBoss Course Winners – Steph Nielsen, Lara Caelli and Lisa Chandler!

ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management winners.

April Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

The Good and the Bad- Resistance in Cattle, Goats and Sheep and their Parasites

Here we examine the reasons why parasites develop resistance to chemicals, and what we can do to out-think them.

March Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

Summer Worm Problems in Cattle, Goats, and Sheep

Worms are active all year round. But some worms really love warm wet weather.

February Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

December Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

Meet the Current Certified WEC QA Providers

The ParaBoss WEC QA Program continues to demonstrate its value by identifying businesses that can demonstrate proficiency, and with the current challenging worm control conditions, accurate WEC results are more important than ever!

Why Don’t We Have Any New Products?

Registering a product is a long and convoluted process. This is because livestock are classed as ‘food-producing animals’ and regulators need to be satisfied that as well as safety for the animals treated, there is no risk of any residues in meat or milk products that could impact human health.

November Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

Ticks, Worms, Flies, and Lice Get the Boot with Website Upgrade

The website has been given a major overhaul to make it easier than ever for producers to find accurate and trusted information about managing pesky parasites.

Predator or Prey? The Sneaky Life Cycle That Makes Hydatids Such a Deadly Parasite

In Australia, hydatids is both a meat quality and public health issue due to risk of infection in people.

October Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

Tips to Gain an Upper Hand on This Spring’s Parasite Party

We expect that worms and flystrike will cause major animal health issues in sheep in most areas, goats are already being hammered by worms and that flies and ticks will be a problem for cattle.

September Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

August seasonal focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

Zoonotic Diseases in Livestock

Zoonotic diseases are characterised by their ability to spread between animals and humans either through direct contact or contaminated material. There are many important zoonotic diseases in livestock which are caused by parasites and non-parasitic vectors such as viruses. 

Seasonal Outlook for Livestock Parasites in Summer-Autumn 2022

La Nina weather patterns over the Pacific Ocean have brought a wet summer to eastern Australia, with rainfall over the spring and summer causing flooding and havoc for cereal harvests. Discover the forecast for worms, ticks, lice and flies for this coming season in the full article.

July Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

June Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.


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