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June Seasonal Focus

06 Jun 2022

The approach to winter brings a new focus towards the traditional scour worms in sheep, cattle and goats. 
Test – don’t guess! Routine worm egg counts (and larval cultures) determine the number and mix of worm species present. Always do larval cultures and select a drench that is effective for the worm species present. Don’t forget, the use of thresholds and decision guides help determine the best course of action for your situation, depending on class of livestock, and worm burden present.
When managing worms in all species of livestock, information is power, the more you know, the more informed your decision-making process is, taking the guess work out of managing worms. If you are unsure of your best course of action, be sure to get in contact with your trusted animal health advisor, or veterinarian. Visit the WormBoss website for more details.
Prevailing mild, wet seasonal conditions is contributing to ongoing sheep blowfly pressure in many areas, particularly in the north with more flies than normal. The onset of very wintry conditions will help alleviate the situation. Consider the sheep re-handle interval (SRI) and wool harvest interval (WHI) when applying product to your animals, keeping in mind future handling and wool harvesting operations. Visit the ParaBoss flystrike risk simulator to help you assess risk, compare programs, and choose the most appropriate product for the situation.
Our top tips this season:
👉 If shearing season is approaching, consider lice treatment options, and the importance of rotating chemistry to avoid chemical resistance. 
👉 If controlling lice in cattle, a reminder to consider if one application will take care of more than one parasite. A reminder also to rotate chemistry to delay onset of chemical resistance. 

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