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ParaBoss Certified Advisors have successfully completed the comprehensive ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management.

ParaBoss Certified WEC Providers have successfully completed the latest annual ParaBoss Worm Egg Counting Quality Assurance Program to demonstrate their accuracy and precision.


ParaBoss Certified Advisors and WEC Providers

Certified Sheep Advisors

Sheep producers rely on parasite management advice from various sources.

The ParaBoss-certified advisors listed here have completed the ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management.

These advisors have both broad and deep knowledge of important sheep parasites, their management, and treatment.

Sheep Producers are encouraged to seek out ParaBoss-certified advisors and to ask their advisors to complete this essential training.

Please note: Only advisors that are certified under the ParaBoss Sheep Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management are listed here. However, ParaBoss acknowledges that there are other industry advisers that have not completed the ParaBoss Sheep Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management that can provide credible advice on sheep parasite management.

Become a ParaBoss Certified Advisor

Certified WEC Providers

The ParaBoss WEC QA Program certifies worm egg count (WEC) providers that meet prescribed standards.

It is the only program of this type in Australia and all businesses or individuals that provide paid or free WEC services for sheep, goats, cattle, camelids and horses (i.e., strongyle worm egg counts) or who undertake large numbers of on-farm WECs for these species, are encouraged to participate annually.

Producers should use ParaBoss Certified WEC Providers to achieve accurate and precise worm egg counts for

  • optimum drench timing to minimise lost productivity, animal welfare impacts, and drenching costs
  • correct ranking of livestock measured for resistance to worms
  • correct assessment of the effectiveness of drenches

Become a ParaBoss Certified WEC Provider

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