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01 Aug 2024

August seasonal focus

Goats- using regional worm control programs for healthy goats and sustainable properties Goat producers have a lot of tools to manage worm burden in their herds. However, the treatment tools […]

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El Niño: What is it, and how can livestock producers prepare for its effects?

The Bureau of Meteorology (The Bureau) has officially declared both an El Niño and positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD).

November seasonal focus

Our monthly seasonal focus from the ParaBoss extension team

October seasonal focus

Our monthly seasonal focus from the ParaBoss extension team

Resistant parasites: update on the threat to livestock

Resistance to chemicals used against all the major parasites of economic and welfare importance to ruminant producers has been found in Australia and is increasing.

September seasonal focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update from ParaBoss extension team.

Managing Lice in Sheep: From Inspection to Treatment

Sheep with lice are like a dog with fleas- they scratch, rub, bite, and itch but they can't get rid of them!

August Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

July Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.

The Next Generation Solution for Lice-Free Sheep

Fluralaner is given as an oral drench and does not leave detectable residue in the fleece.

ParaBoss Technical Committee

The Committee ensures the content provided to industry is independent, proven and practical.

June Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

Vector-Borne Diseases: JEV and LSD 

Among the problems that flying insects can bring to your stock are some extremely unwanted passengers: Emergency Animal Disease (EADs). 

Managing Worms in Dairy Goats with Zero Grazing

Monitoring goats with worm egg counts periodically and ensuring that the feedlot area is kept clean by removing old feed and forage will be essential for success.

National Sheep Health Monitoring Project Sheds Light on Top Conditions Affecting the Industry

The 2021-22 NSHMP Annual Report analyses the data collected throughout the year, providing valuable insights into the top conditions.

Diagnosing and Dealing With Drench Resistance

Drench resistance, also known as Anthelmintic Resistance (AR), is caused by internal parasites developing inherited tolerance to drenches.

Healthy Goats – Using Management Tools to Create Healthy Goat Herds

Long-term worm control relies on a suite of tools to achieve ‘next level’ healthy goat herds.

May Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

Meet Our Three ParaBoss Course Winners – Steph Nielsen, Lara Caelli and Lisa Chandler!

ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management winners.

‘Next-level’ worm control for healthy goat herds

Goat producers around Australia are grappling with worms this year. The reason?

Combatting Lice in Sheep and Goats: A Look Into LiceBoss Tools

The LiceBoss tools are designed to assist you with the management and eradication of lice within your production system.

Resistance in Cattle Ticks

Resistance is common in cattle ticks and is a critical cause of production loss and death of northern cattle.

April Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

The Good and the Bad- Resistance in Cattle, Goats and Sheep and their Parasites

Here we examine the reasons why parasites develop resistance to chemicals, and what we can do to out-think them.

Lungworm Diagnosis and Prevention in Goats

Lungworms in goats cause significant disease in Australia and can occasionally lead to death.

March Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus with Megan Rogers.

Win a FREE Enrolment!

Kick start the new year with a chance to win a free enrolment in the ParaBoss Certificate in Sheep Parasite Management!

Summer Worm Problems in Cattle, Goats, and Sheep

Worms are active all year round. But some worms really love warm wet weather.

Parasites That Thrive After Floods

After floods, some parasites take advantage of the wet conditions to spread on pastures and infest livestock.

February Seasonal Focus

Our monthly seasonal focus update with Megan Rogers.


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