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Home Videos & podcasts Spotlight on Small Brown Stomach Worm – know your enemy!

Spotlight on Small Brown Stomach Worm – know your enemy!

10 Aug 2022
Add to Calendar Australia/Sydney Spotlight on Small Brown Stomach Worm – know your enemy! Brown stomach worm occurs in most sheep and goat areas of Australia and is a major parasite in winter rainfall districts. It is relatively rare in Queensland. The brown stomach worm of cattle, ostertagia ostertagi is known to infect Angora goats, but not sheep. Location of the event

Join the ParaBoss extension team as we focus a spotlight on brown stomach worm ‘teladorsagia circumcincta’ in sheep and ‘ostertagia’ in cattle. In this webinar, we will be joined by Dr Paul Nilon, a highly experienced veterinarian with a wealth of experience on the subject. Paul will shine the spotlight on all facets of brown stomach worm, across sheep, goats and cattle.

Brown stomach worm occurs in most sheep and goat areas of Australia and is a major parasite in winter rainfall districts. It is relatively rare in Queensland. The brown stomach worm of cattle, ostertagia ostertagi is known to infect Angora goats, but not sheep.

This webinar will help producers understand the life cycle of these intestinal parasites better, where weaknesses in their life cycle exist for management opportunities to help decrease the impact of this parasite across Australia’s sheep, cattle and goat industries. Paul will also discuss important factors in effective control and management and how to avoid resistance to drenches.

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