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01 Aug 2024

August seasonal focus

Goats- using regional worm control programs for healthy goats and sustainable properties Goat producers have a lot of tools to manage worm burden in their herds. However, the treatment tools […]

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Vector-Borne Diseases: JEV and LSD 

Among the problems that flying insects can bring to your stock are some extremely unwanted passengers: Emergency Animal Disease (EADs). 

Mozzies in Sheep- How to Prevent?

Although many types of chemicals are used to kill lice and fly in sheep, mosquitoes require a different approach because a repellent, not an insecticide, is required.

Flystrike Management is Not a ‘One Size Fits All’ Approach

Gaining an improved understanding on the Australian sheep blowfly lifecycle and its requirements helps further understand when our livestock are most at risk.

Chemical Resistance and Flystrike – What You Need To Know This Season

Chemical Resistance is when a chemical that was previously effective at killing a population of flies is no longer as effective as before.

Nuisance Flies of Cattle

Flies have been around since Bill Peach’s portly rambles through the outback (mid 1970’s for those with milk teeth) waving his hands and Akubra at the incessant irritation. Buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) is the major cause of “fly worry” in the tropical and pastoral zone cattle industry. Its impact and control are well described on industry websites (e.g., MLA, and Flyboss).

Headaches Continue for Sheep Parasite Management

With many sheep producing areas across Australia experiencing ongoing wetter-than-average seasonal conditions, headaches continue in terms of managing worm burdens and blowflies. Read up on our best practice tips & tricks at FlyBoss.com.au.


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